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DHARTAPI Namespace Reference

Automated analysis of the built environent More...


namespace  Exceptions
 Custom exceptions thrown by DHARTAPI Internally.
namespace  Geometry
 Manipulate and load geometry from disk.
namespace  GraphGenerator
 Generate a graph of accessible space from a given start point.
namespace  NativeUtils
 A set of utilities and common functions that assist in communicating with native code.
namespace  Pathfinding
 Calculate the shortest path between points in a Graph.
namespace  RayTracing
 Cast rays to determine if and where they intersect geometry.
namespace  SpatialStructures
 Standard fundamental data structures for representing space used throughout DHARTAPI.
namespace  ViewAnalysis
 Analyze the view from from points in the environment.
namespace  VisibilityGraph
 Evaluate visibility between a set of points.


class  Extensions
 Some extension functions that are used internally. More...
struct  Vector3D
 A three dimensional vector with built in utility functions. More...

Detailed Description

Automated analysis of the built environent