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DHARTAPI.GraphGenerator Namespace Reference

Generate a graph of accessible space from a given start point. More...


class  GraphGenerator
 Generate a graph of accessible space on a mesh. More...

Detailed Description

Generate a graph of accessible space from a given start point.

The Graph Generator maps out "accessible" space on a model from a given starting point. In graphs created by this algorithm, node represents a point in space that a human can occupy, and each edge between nodes indicates that a human can traverse from one node to another node. The Graph Generator is a powerful tool for analyzing space, since the graph or nodes it outputs can be used as input to all the analysis methods offered by DHARTAPI, allowing for it to be the starting point of other analysis methods within DHARTAPI.

Obstacle Support
The Graph Generator supports marking specific geometry as walkable or obstacles. Obstacle surfaces are surfaces that the graph generator is not allowed to generate nodes on, while walkable surfaces are the only surfaces that the graph generator is permitted to generate nodes on. Depending on what arguments are first passed to the graph generator, it will use different rules for determining which of the inputs are obstacles and which are not. When no geometry ids are specified, all geometry is considered walkable. When only obstacle surfaces are specified, all geometry other than that in the obstacles array are considered walkable. If both an obstacle and walkable array are specified then obstacles will be considered inaccessible, walkable surfaces will be accessible, and all geometry not in either array will be considered not traversable.
All arguments are in meters for distances and degrees for angles unless otherwise specified. For all calculations, the Graph Generator assumes geometry is Z-Up i.e. upstep is how high the step is in the z-direction, ground checks are performed in the -z direction etc.