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DHARTAPI.RayTracing Namespace Reference

Cast rays to determine if and where they intersect geometry. More...


class  EmbreeBVH
 A Bounding Volume Hierarchy for the EmbreeRaytracer. More...
class  EmbreeRaytracer
 Cast rays with Intel's Embree raytracing library. More...
struct  RayResult
 MeshID and Distance for a casted ray. More...
class  RayResults
 An array of RayResults stored in unmanaged memory . More...

Detailed Description

Cast rays to determine if and where they intersect geometry.

The basics of raytracing entail casting a ray from an origin point in a specific direction and determining whether or not it intersects with a set of geometry. Certain functions can even determine where the intersection occured. Generally, every RayTracer will contain a set of geometry and provide functions for casting rays from an origin point in a specific direciton. Some generate an accelerated structure from geometry called a Bounding Volume Hierarchy, or BVH. A BVH can drastically decrease the time it takes to calculate ray intersections, but can be more complicated to manage compared to standard buffers of geometry.

See also
EmbreeRaytracer for an implementation of a raytracer using Intel's Embree Library as a backend.