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DHARTAPI.ViewAnalysis.ViewAnalysis Class Reference

Functions for analyzing the view of an observer in an environment at human scale. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static ManagedFloatArray ViewAnalysisAggregate (EmbreeBVH bvh, IEnumerable< Vector3D > nodes, int ray_count, float upward_fov=50.0f, float downward_fov=70.0f, float height=1.7f, ViewAggregateType type=ViewAggregateType.AVERAGE)
 Conduct view analysis and aggregate the results for each node. More...
static ResultArray ViewAnalysisStandard (EmbreeBVH bvh, IEnumerable< Vector3D > nodes, int ray_count, float upward_fov=50.0f, float downward_fov=70.0f, float height=1.7f)
 Conduct View Analysis and access the results of every ray casted for every node. More...
static DirectionArray SphericallyDistributeRays (int num_rays, float upward_fov=50f, float downward_fov=70f)
 Distribute a set of points equally on a unit sphere. More...

Detailed Description

Functions for analyzing the view of an observer in an environment at human scale.

All of these functions internally use a raytracer, so a DHARTAPI.RayTracing.EmbreeBVH is required.

Member Function Documentation

◆ SphericallyDistributeRays()

static DirectionArray DHARTAPI.ViewAnalysis.ViewAnalysis.SphericallyDistributeRays ( int  num_rays,
float  upward_fov = 50f,
float  downward_fov = 70f 

Distribute a set of points equally on a unit sphere.

num_raysThe number of points to distribute.
upward_fovMaximum angle above the sphere to generate points in degrees,
downward_fovMaximum angle in degrees downwards to generate.
An array of equally distributed points on a unit sphere.
The number of rays casted may not exactly match ray_count depending on the provided field of view restrictions.
This is the same function used internally by view analysis to equally distribute ray directions.
// Equally distribute 10 rays
// Print results
Functions for analyzing the view of an observer in an environment at human scale.
Definition: ViewAnalysis.cs:52
static DirectionArray SphericallyDistributeRays(int num_rays, float upward_fov=50f, float downward_fov=70f)
Distribute a set of points equally on a unit sphere.
Analyze the view from from points in the environment.
Definition: ViewAnalysis.cs:24
Automated analysis of the built environent
Definition: CommonTypes.cs:9
[0, -1, 0, -0.2650034, -0.8181818, . . . -0.7649929, 0.4396428, 0.8181818, 0.3705303]

◆ ViewAnalysisAggregate()

static ManagedFloatArray DHARTAPI.ViewAnalysis.ViewAnalysis.ViewAnalysisAggregate ( EmbreeBVH  bvh,
IEnumerable< Vector3D nodes,
int  ray_count,
float  upward_fov = 50.0f,
float  downward_fov = 70.0f,
float  height = 1.7f,
ViewAggregateType  type = ViewAggregateType.AVERAGE 

Conduct view analysis and aggregate the results for each node.

bvhthe Geometry to intersect with.
nodesObserver locations to perform view analysis from.
ray_countNumber of rays to cast. Higher values provide more accurate analysis, but increase the runtime of this function
upward_fovMaximum angle in degrees above the viewer's eye level that is considered.
downward_fovMaximum angle in degrees below the viewer's eye level that is considered.
heightHeight of the observer. Nodes are offset this distance from the ground before the analysis is performed.
typeHow the distances for all hits should be aggregated. See ViewAggregateType for a list of all aggregation methods.
An ordered array of floats corresponding to the aggregated score for each node in nodes.

The rays for each node will be casted in parallel using all available cores on the host's machine.

This function is much lighter in memory than ViewAnalysisStandard since all operations are done in place on single floats. Use this as a faster alternative if the scores of nodes are all that's needed.
// Load the plane .obj from example models, and rotate it from y-up to z-up
string mesh_path = "ExampleModels/plane.obj";
MeshInfo OBJ = OBJLoader.LoadOBJ(mesh_path, CommonRotations.Zup_To_Yup);
// Create a BVH from the plane
EmbreeBVH bvh = new EmbreeBVH(OBJ);
Vector3D Point = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
Vector3D[] nodes = { Point };
int num_rays = 1000;
A Bounding Volume Hierarchy for the EmbreeRaytracer.
Definition: EmbreeBVH.cs:31
A three dimensional vector with built in utility functions.
Definition: CommonTypes.cs:40
// Define the nodes to evaluate
Vector3D[] nodes = {
new Vector3D(0,0,1),
new Vector3D(0,0,2),
new Vector3D(0,0,3)
// Set maximum number of rays, then conduct analysis
int num_rays = 1000;
// Print results. The number of rays should get lower with each element, since each node
// is further away from the plane than the last
static ManagedFloatArray ViewAnalysisAggregate(EmbreeBVH bvh, IEnumerable< Vector3D > nodes, int ray_count, float upward_fov=50.0f, float downward_fov=70.0f, float height=1.7f, ViewAggregateType type=ViewAggregateType.AVERAGE)
Conduct view analysis and aggregate the results for each node.
The type of aggregation method to use for ViewAnalysis.ViewAnalysisAggregate.
Definition: ViewAnalysis.cs:29

[480, 451, 428]

Referenced by StringToEdgeCost.Main().

◆ ViewAnalysisStandard()

static ResultArray DHARTAPI.ViewAnalysis.ViewAnalysis.ViewAnalysisStandard ( EmbreeBVH  bvh,
IEnumerable< Vector3D nodes,
int  ray_count,
float  upward_fov = 50.0f,
float  downward_fov = 70.0f,
float  height = 1.7f 

Conduct View Analysis and access the results of every ray casted for every node.

bvhGeometry to intersect with.
nodesObserver locations to perform view analysis from.
ray_countNumber of rays to cast.Higher values provide more accurate analysis, but increase the runtime and memory consumption of this function.
upward_fovMaximum angle in degrees above the viewer's eye level that is considered.
downward_fovMaximum angle in degrees below the viewer's eye level that is considered.
heightHeight of the observer. Nodes are offset this distance from the ground before the analysis is performed.
A nodes.Count() by num_rays 2 dimensional array of results for each node and each ray casted. For example, every ray for node one is located at row 1, and the results for every ray casted from node 2 are located at row 2.

The rays for each node will be casted in parallel using all available cores on the host's machine.

The number of rays casted may not exactly match ray_count depending on the provided field of view restrictions.
The hitpoints for each ray in the returned array can be determined using the directions SphericallyDistributeRays() with the same fov and ray_count parameters. Failures to intersect geometry will return -1.
// Load the plane .obj from example models, and rotate it from y-up to z-up
string mesh_path = "ExampleModels/plane.obj";
MeshInfo OBJ = OBJLoader.LoadOBJ(mesh_path, CommonRotations.Zup_To_Yup);
// Create a BVH from the plane
EmbreeBVH bvh = new EmbreeBVH(OBJ);
Vector3D Point = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
Vector3D[] nodes = { Point };
int num_rays = 1000;
// Define the nodes to evaluate
Vector3D[] nodes = {
new Vector3D(0,0,1),
new Vector3D(1,1,1),
new Vector3D(0,0,3)
// Set maximum number of rays, then conduct analysis
int num_rays = 10;
// Conduct view analysis and get all the results
var results = DHARTAPI.ViewAnalysis.ViewAnalysis.ViewAnalysisStandard(bvh, nodes, num_rays);
// Iterate through every node and print the results
for (int node_index = 0; node_index < nodes.Length; node_index++)
var node = nodes[node_index];
string print = node.ToString() + ": (";
for (int ray_index = 0; ray_index < num_rays; ray_index++)
// Get the result for the current node at the current ray
var result = results[node_index][ray_index];
print += result.ToString();
// Add a comma if it isn't the last element
if (ray_index != num_rays - 1)
print += ", ";
print += ")";
// Print the line
static ResultArray ViewAnalysisStandard(EmbreeBVH bvh, IEnumerable< Vector3D > nodes, int ray_count, float upward_fov=50.0f, float downward_fov=70.0f, float height=1.7f)
Conduct View Analysis and access the results of every ray casted for every node.
override string ToString()
Construct a string representation of this vector's x, y, and z coordinates.
Definition: CommonTypes.cs:111
(0, 0, 1): ([-1, -1], [5.292, 0], [-1, -1], [-1, -1], [3.098, 0], [5.407, 0], [13.07, 0], [-1, -1], [3.529, 0], [-1, -1])
(1, 1, 1): ([-1, -1], [5.292, 0], [-1, -1], [-1, -1], [3.098, 0], [5.407, 0], [13.07, 0], [-1, -1], [3.529, 0], [-1, -1])
(0, 0, 3): ([-1, -1], [9.211, 0], [-1, -1], [-1, -1], [5.394, 0], [9.413, 0], [-1, -1], [-1, -1], [6.144, 0], [-1, -1])

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