
dhart.visibilitygraph.VisibilityGraphUndirectedAllToAll(bvh: EmbreeBVH, nodes: List[Tuple[float, float, float]], height: float, cores: int = -1) Graph

Construct visibility graph using all nodes in nodes

Unlike the standard visibility graph algorithm, the Undirected visibility graph is able to be parallelized, making it better suited to larger datasets.

  • bvh – the pointer to a valid embree bvh

  • nodes – a list of nodes as (x,y,z) tuples

  • height – height to evaluate the visibility graph from

  • cores – number of cores to use in the evaluation. 0 will not be parallelized


Create a visibility graph between 3 nodes

>>> from dhart.geometry import LoadOBJ, CommonRotations, ConstructPlane
>>> from dhart.spatialstructures.graph import CostAggregationType
>>> from dhart.raytracer import EmbreeBVH
>>> from dhart.visibilitygraph import VisibilityGraphUndirectedAllToAll
>>> loaded_obj = ConstructPlane()
>>> loaded_obj.Rotate(CommonRotations.Yup_to_Zup)
>>> bvh = EmbreeBVH(loaded_obj)
>>> points = [(0,0,1), (0,0,-10), (0,2,0)]
>>> height = 1.7
>>> VG = VisibilityGraphUndirectedAllToAll(bvh,points,height)
>>> print(VG.AggregateEdgeCosts(CostAggregationType.SUM, True))
[ 2.236068 10.198039  0.      ]

An undirected graph created in C++

Return type:
