
dhart.pathfinding.DijkstraFindAllShortestPaths(graph: Graph, cost_type: str = '') List[Path | None]

Find All Pairs Shortest Path

Find the shortest path between every possible combination of nodes in a graph.

  • Graph (The graph to generate paths in.) –

  • cost_type (Which cost to use for path generation. If no cost type is specified,) – then the graph’s default cost type will be used. If a cost type is specified then it must already exist in the graph.


  • List[Union[path, None]] – Of a path from every node to every other node in the graph in order of start point then end point. If a specific path could not be generated, then it will be set to None.

  • Precondition

  • ————

  • If cost_type is not left as the default, then it must be the name

  • of a valid cost already defined in graph.


KeyError – cost_type wasn’t blank and did not point to an already defined: cost in the graph


>>> from dhart.pathfinding import DijkstraShortestPath, DijkstraFindAllShortestPaths
>>> from dhart.spatialstructures import Graph
>>> import numpy as np
>>> g = Graph()
>>> g.AddEdgeToGraph(0, 1, 100)
>>> g.AddEdgeToGraph(0, 2, 50)
>>> g.AddEdgeToGraph(1, 3, 10)
>>> g.AddEdgeToGraph(2, 1, 10)
>>> g.AddEdgeToGraph(3, 4, 10)
>>> g.AddEdgeToGraph(4, 1, 10)
>>> g.AddEdgeToGraph(4, 2, 10)
>>> g.AddEdgeToGraph(2, 4, 10)
>>> csr = g.CompressToCSR()
>>> # Size of G
>>> g_size = len(g.getNodes())
>>> # Get APSP
>>> SP = DijkstraFindAllShortestPaths(g)
>>> # Reshape APSP result to nxn of graph size
>>> apsp_mat = np.reshape(SP, (g_size,g_size))
>>> for i, row in enumerate(apsp_mat):
...     print('Paths from node: ',i)
...     for j, path in enumerate(row):
...         if path is not None:
...             print('To node: ',j, ' = ', path['id'])
...         else:
...             print('To node: ',j, ' =   ')
Paths from node:  0
To node:  0  =
To node:  1  =  [0 2 1]
To node:  2  =  [0 2]
To node:  3  =  [0 2 1 3]
To node:  4  =  [0 2 4]
Paths from node:  1
To node:  0  =
To node:  1  =
To node:  2  =  [1 3 4 2]
To node:  3  =  [1 3]
To node:  4  =  [1 3 4]
Paths from node:  2
To node:  0  =
To node:  1  =  [2 1]
To node:  2  =
To node:  3  =  [2 1 3]
To node:  4  =  [2 4]
Paths from node:  3
To node:  0  =
To node:  1  =  [3 4 1]
To node:  2  =  [3 4 2]
To node:  3  =
To node:  4  =  [3 4]
Paths from node:  4
To node:  0  =
To node:  1  =  [4 1]
To node:  2  =  [4 2]
To node:  3  =  [4 1 3]
To node:  4  =
>>> # Convert to a distance matrix
>>> # Create an empty array the size of the graph
>>> # Then set distance to infinity if there is no path
>>> # and 0 if it is the distance to itself
>>> dst = np.empty((g_size,g_size))
>>> for i, path in enumerate(SP):
...     if path is None:
...         if int(i/g_size) == i%g_size: dist = 0
...         else: dist = np.inf
...     else: dist = np.sum(path['cost_to_next'])
...     dst[int(i/g_size)][i%g_size] = dist
>>> print(dst)
[[ 0. 60. 50. 70. 60.]
 [inf  0. 30. 10. 20.]
 [inf 10.  0. 20. 10.]
 [inf 20. 20.  0. 10.]
 [inf 10. 10. 20.  0.]]