
seg1d.algorithm.cluster(segGroups, segAdder=0.5, nClust=2)[source]


Clusters segments based on correlation values

segGroupsn x 3 array

[ [ start index, end index, correlation ] ]

segAdderfloat, optional

0.0 to 1.0 or None If not None, the value that is added to the cluster groups to force a correlation cluster of the highest values

n x 3 array

[start segment, end segment, correlation score of segment]

Other Parameters:
nClustint, optional

number of clusters to group data in (Default 2)

If nClust=0, returns segGroups

Segment Adder value was included in final cluster.

This may mean cluster is poorly defined or Adder is too high. It is removed before being returned. However, it may be a sign of poor clustering settings as the intention of the segment adder is to force clustering of highly similar segments by creating a lower group (therefore, it should not be in the high cluster group).

See also

(input for this function)


>>> import numpy as np
>>> import seg1d.algorithm as alg
>>> x = [[7, 17, 0.90], [20, 40, 0.88], [40, 65, 0.8], [50, 65, 0.70]]
>>> alg.cluster(x)
[[7, 17, 0.9], [20, 40, 0.88], [40, 65, 0.8], [50, 65, 0.7]]
>>> alg.cluster(x,segAdder=None)
[[7, 17, 0.9], [20, 40, 0.88], [40, 65, 0.8]]
>>> alg.cluster(x,segAdder=0.85)
[[7, 17, 0.9], [20, 40, 0.88], [40, 65, 0.8]]

Note: This should raise the following warning:

UserWarning: Segment Adder value was included in final cluster.
This may mean cluster is poorly defined or Adder is too high.
>>> alg.cluster(x,nClust=3)
[[7, 17, 0.9], [20, 40, 0.88], [40, 65, 0.8]]
>>> alg.cluster(x,segAdder=None,nClust=3)
[[7, 17, 0.9], [20, 40, 0.88]]