This file serves as an example on how to run pyCGM directly.
To run this file, copy the sample files into the same directory as the code, then in a terminal type:
python -i ReplicateRobotGait01.c3d -o test -v Jisub.vsk --staticinput "Jisub Cal 01.c3d"
The aforementioned command will output a test.csv file with the results.
Command-line Instructions
- -h
Help, provides basic command structure.
- -i, -ifile
The input file.
- -o, -ofile
The output file.
- -s, -start
The start time of the motion capture (optional).
- -e, -end
The end time of the motion capture (optional).
- -v, -vskfile
The name of the .vsk file (optional).
- -x, -staticinput
The name of the static input file (optional).
Take in motion data file and the time span, returns output file of angles |