

Open and load a C3D file of motion capture data

Keys in the returned data dictionaries are marker names, and the corresponding values are a numpy array with the associated value. data[marker] = array([x, y, z])


File name of the C3D file to be loaded

[data, dataunlabeled, markers]array

data is a list of dict. Each dict represents one frame in the trial. dataunlabeled contains a list of dictionaries of the same form as in data, but for unlabeled points. markers is a list of marker names.


The files 59993_Frame_Static.c3d and RoboStatic.c3d in SampleData are used to test the output.

>>> from .pyCGM_Helpers import getfilenames
>>> from numpy import around, array
>>> filename_59993 = getfilenames(x=1)[1]
>>> result_59993 = loadC3D(filename_59993)
>>> data = result_59993[0]
>>> dataunlabeled = result_59993[1]
>>> markers = result_59993[2]
>>> roboFilename = getfilenames(x=3)[1]
>>> result_roboFilename = loadC3D(roboFilename)
>>> roboDataUnlabeled = result_roboFilename[1]

Testing for some values from 59993_Frame_Static.c3d.

>>> around(data[0]['RHNO'], 8) 
array([ 555.46948242, -559.36499023, 1252.84216309])
>>> around(data[0]['C7'], 8) 
array([ -29.57296562, -9.34280109, 1300.86730957])
>>> dataunlabeled[4] 
{'*113': array([-172.66630554,  167.2040863 , 1273.71594238]),
 '*114': array([ 169.18231201, -227.13475037, 1264.34912109])}
>>> markers
['LFHD', 'RFHD', 'LBHD', ...]

Frame 0 in RoboStatic.c3d has no unlabeled data.

>>> roboDataUnlabeled[0]