
pyCGM_Single.pyCGM.wristJointCenter(frame, shoulderJC, wand, elbowJC)

Calculate the Wrist joint axis ( Radius) function.

Takes in the elbow axis to calculate each wrist joint axis and returns it.


Dictionaries of marker lists.


The x,y,z position of the shoulder joint center.


The x,y,z position of the elbow joint center.


The x,y,z position of the wand.

origin, axisarray
Returns the Shoulder joint center and axis in three array
return = [[R_wrist_JC_x, R_wrist_JC_y, R_wrist_JC_z],

[L_wrist_JC_x,L_wrist_JC_y,L_wrist_JC_z], [[[R_wrist x axis, x,y,z position], [R_wrist y axis, x,y,z position], [R_wrist z axis, x,y,z position]], [[L_wrist x axis, x,y,z position], [L_wrist y axis, x,y,z position], [L_wrist z axis, x,y,z position]]]]


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from .pyCGM import wristJointCenter
>>> frame = {'RSHO': np.array([428.88, 270.55, 1500.73]),
...          'LSHO': np.array([68.24, 269.01, 1510.10]),
...          'RELB': np.array([658.90, 326.07, 1285.28]),
...          'LELB': np.array([-156.32, 335.25, 1287.39]),
...          'RWRA': np.array([776.51,495.68, 1108.38]),
...          'RWRB': np.array([830.90, 436.75, 1119.11]),
...          'LWRA': np.array([-249.28, 525.32, 1117.09]),
...          'LWRB': np.array([-311.77, 477.22, 1125.16])}
>>> wand = [[255.92, 364.32, 1460.62],
...        [256.42, 364.27, 1460.61]]
>>> shoulderJC = [np.array([429.66, 275.06, 1453.95]),
...               np.array([64.51, 274.93, 1463.63])]
>>> elbowJC = [[np.array([633.66, 304.95, 1256.07]),
...           np.array([-129.16, 316.86, 1258.06])],
...           [[[633.81, 303.96, 1256.07],
...           [634.35, 305.05, 1256.79],
...           [632.95, 304.85, 1256.77]],
...           [[-129.32, 315.88, 1258.00],
...           [-128.45, 316.79, 1257.37],
...           [-128.49, 316.72, 1258.78]]],
...           [[793.32, 451.29, 1084.43],
...           [-272.45, 485.80, 1091.36]]]
>>> [np.around(arr, 2) for arr in wristJointCenter(frame,shoulderJC,wand,elbowJC)] 
[array([[ 793.32,  451.29, 1084.43],
[-272.45,  485.8 , 1091.36]]), array([[[ 793.76,  450.45, 1084.12],
[ 794.01,  451.39, 1085.15],
[ 792.75,  450.76, 1085.05]],
[[-272.92,  485.01, 1090.96],
[-271.73,  485.73, 1090.66],
[-271.93,  485.19, 1091.96]]])]