
pyCGM_Single.pyCGM.shoulderAxisCalc(frame, thorax, shoulderJC, wand)

Calculate the Shoulder joint axis ( Clavicle) function.

Takes in the thorax axis, wand marker and shoulder joint center. Calculate each shoulder joint axis and returns it.


Dictionaries of marker lists.

The x,y,z position of the thorax.
thorax = [[R_thorax joint center x,y,z position],

[L_thorax_joint center x,y,z position], [[R_thorax x axis x,y,z position], [R_thorax,y axis x,y,z position], [R_thorax z axis x,y,z position]]]

The x,y,z position of the shoulder joint center.
shoulderJC = [[R shoulder joint center x,y,z position],

[L shoulder joint center x,y,z position]]

The x,y,z position of the wand.
wand = [[R wand x,y,z, position],

[L wand x,y,z position]]

shoulderJC, axisarray
Returns the Shoulder joint center and axis in three array
shoulder_JC = [[[[R_shoulder x axis, x,y,z position],

[R_shoulder y axis, x,y,z position], [R_shoulder z axis, x,y,z position]], [[L_shoulder x axis, x,y,z position], [L_shoulder y axis, x,y,z position], [L_shoulder z axis, x,y,z position]]], [R_shoulderJC_x, R_shoulderJC_y, R_shoulderJC_z], [L_shoulderJC_x,L_shoulderJC_y,L_shoulderJC_z]]


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from .pyCGM import shoulderAxisCalc
>>> frame = None
>>> thorax = [[[256.23, 365.30, 1459.66],
...          [257.14, 364.21, 1459.58],
...          [256.08, 354.32, 1458.65]],
...          [256.14, 364.30, 1459.65]]
>>> shoulderJC = [np.array([429.66, 275.06, 1453.95]),
...              np.array([64.51, 274.93, 1463.63])]
>>> wand = [[255.92, 364.32, 1460.62],
...        [256.42, 364.27, 1460.61]]
>>> [np.around(arr, 2) for arr in shoulderAxisCalc(frame,thorax,shoulderJC,wand)] 
[array([[ 429.66,  275.06, 1453.95],
[  64.51,  274.93, 1463.63]]), array([[[ 430.12,  275.94, 1454.04],
[ 429.67,  275.15, 1452.95],
[ 428.77,  275.52, 1453.98]],
[[  64.09,  275.83, 1463.78],
[  64.59,  274.8 , 1464.62],
[  65.42,  275.35, 1463.61]]])]