

Make the Pelvis Axis.

Takes in a dictionary of x,y,z positions and marker names, as well as an index Calculates the pelvis joint center and axis and returns both.

Markers used: RASI, LASI, RPSI, LPSI Other landmarks used: origin, sacrum

Pelvis X_axis: Computed with a Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization procedure [1] and then normalized. Pelvis Y_axis: LASI-RASI x,y,z positions, then normalized. Pelvis Z_axis: Cross product of x_axis and y_axis.


Dictionaries of marker lists.


Returns an array that contains the pelvis origin in a 1x3 array of xyz values, which is then followed by a [1x3, 3x3, 1x3] array composed of the pelvis x, y, z axis components, and the sacrum x,y,z position.



M. P. Kadaba, H. K. Ramakrishnan, and M. E. Wootten, “Measurement of lower extremity kinematics during level walking,” J. Orthop. Res., vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 383–392, May 1990, doi: 10.1002/jor.1100080310.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from .pyCGM import pelvisJointCenter
>>> frame = {'RASI': np.array([ 395.36,  428.09, 1036.82]),
...          'LASI': np.array([ 183.18,  422.78, 1033.07]),
...          'RPSI': np.array([ 341.41,  246.72, 1055.99]),
...          'LPSI': np.array([ 255.79,  241.42, 1057.30]) }
>>> [arr.round(2) for arr in pelvisJointCenter(frame)] 
[array([ 289.27,  425.43, 1034.94]), array([[ 289.25,  426.43, 1034.83],
[ 288.27,  425.41, 1034.93],
[ 289.25,  425.55, 1035.94]]), array([ 298.6 ,  244.07, 1056.64])]
>>> frame = {'RASI': np.array([ 395.36,  428.09, 1036.82]),
...          'LASI': np.array([ 183.18,  422.78, 1033.07]),
...          'SACR': np.array([ 294.60,  242.07, 1049.64]) }
>>> [arr.round(2) for arr in pelvisJointCenter(frame)] 
[array([ 289.27,  425.43, 1034.94]), array([[ 289.25,  426.43, 1034.87],
[ 288.27,  425.41, 1034.93],
[ 289.25,  425.51, 1035.94]]), array([ 294.6 ,  242.07, 1049.64])]