
pyCGM_Single.pyCGM.handJointCenter(frame, elbowJC, wristJC, vsk=None)

Calculate the Hand joint axis (Hand).

Takes in a dictionary of marker names to x, y, z positions, wrist axis subject measurements. Calculate each Hand joint axis and returns it.

Markers used: RWRA, RWRB, LWRA, LWRB, RFIN, LFIN Subject Measurement values used: RightHandThickness, LeftHandThickness


Dictionaries of marker lists.

elbowJCarray, optional

The x,y,z position of the elbow joint center.


The x,y,z position of the wrist joint center.

vskdict, optional

A dictionary containing subject measurements.

origin, axisarray

Returns an array containing an array representing the right hand joint center x, y, z marker positions 1x3, followed by an array containing the left hand joint center x, y, z marker positions 1x3, followed by a 2x3x3 array containing the right hand joint center x, y, z axis components (1x3x3), followed by the left hand joint center x, y, z axis components (1x3x3).


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from .pyCGM import handJointCenter
>>> frame = {'RWRA': np.array([776.51,495.68, 1108.38]),
...          'RWRB': np.array([830.90, 436.75, 1119.11]),
...          'LWRA': np.array([-249.28, 525.32, 1117.09]),
...          'LWRB': np.array([-311.77, 477.22, 1125.16]),
...          'RFIN': np.array([863.71, 524.44, 1074.54]),
...          'LFIN': np.array([-326.65, 558.34, 1091.04])}
>>> elbowJC = [[np.array([633.66, 304.95, 1256.07]),
...            np.array([-129.16, 316.86, 1258.06])],
...           [[[633.81, 303.96, 1256.07],
...                [634.35, 305.05, 1256.79],
...                [632.95, 304.85, 1256.77]],
...                [[-129.32, 315.88, 1258.00],
...                [-128.45, 316.79, 1257.37],
...                [-128.49, 316.72, 1258.78]]],
...                [[793.32, 451.29, 1084.43],
...                [-272.45, 485.80, 1091.36]]]
>>> wristJC = [[[793.32, 451.29, 1084.43],
...            [-272.45, 485.80, 1091.36]],
...           [[[793.77, 450.44, 1084.12],
...            [794.01, 451.38, 1085.15],
...            [792.75, 450761812234714, 1085.05]],
...            [[-272.92, 485.01, 1090.96],
...            [-271.74, 485.72, 1090.67],
...            [-271.94, 485.19, 1091.96]]]]
>>> vsk = { 'RightHandThickness': 34.0, 'LeftHandThickness': 34.0}
>>> [np.around(arr, 2) for arr in handJointCenter(frame,elbowJC,wristJC,vsk)] 
[array([[ 859.8 ,  517.27, 1051.97],
[-324.52,  551.89, 1068.02]]), array([[[ 859.95,  517.58, 1052.91],
[ 859.08,  517.95, 1051.86],
[ 859.13,  516.61, 1052.3 ]],
[[-324.61,  552.16, 1068.98],
[-325.32,  551.29, 1068.12],
[-323.92,  551.13, 1068.29]]])]